Irritability is defined as being easily annoyed. It can also be called grumpy, tense, uptight, and many other words in popular language. Irritability is also a symptom of unmanaged stress, burnout, and many behavioral health conditions such as PTSD or acute traumatic stress. Everyone should be aware of an increase in irritability, especially firefighters, EMS, medical professionals, and all “helping professionals”. We can usually see irritability in others but less often in ourselves. Often, we hear that we are irritable from others. Irritability is often one of the first symptoms that therapists experience in the consulting room with patients and clients. There are some socially acceptable expressions of irritability such as frustration. These are often not as stigmatized as inappropriate forms of anger such as rage. We in the helping professions are the “fixers” of problems for other people. The helping professions are especially vulnerable due to exposure to chronic traumatic incidents. Fire and EMS workers are twice the risk for PTS and PTSD. Medical professionals such as nurses and other hospital workers are also at a higher risk for these types of disorders. Irritability is also a symptom of anxiety and depressive disorders. It is important for all of us to pay attention to how we feel and what others tell us. A partner, close friend, or family member might be able to see our irritability before we notice it. We often don’t see that we are overreacting to small annoyances when we engage fully in life. There are some common things in our modern world that can exacerbate irritability. Exposure to negative social media is sometimes called “doom scrolling”. This type of toxicity from social media is very common. Television and print media such as the news can also be toxic. We are often exposed to toxic people and situations. This increased dosage of negativity can quickly become too much. Everyday annoyances are not usually a source of irritability. Minor annoyances can seem amplified when we are already stressed out. Sleep deprivation, hunger, low blood sugar, chronic pain, and loneliness will often increase irritability. Irritability is part of the human condition, we all get annoyed sometimes. The easiest way to stop and acknowledge what we are feeling is to ask the people closest to us. People who are close to us can tell us how we appear and how we may be presenting to others. Finally, what do we do when we or others have realized that we are too irritable? Increasing our self-care can help. This could be exercise, engaging in a hobby, or spending time with loved ones. Taking the opportunity to unplug or get away from our jobs and hectic lives can also be beneficial. This can be done by immersing ourselves in a book, movie, game, or weekend away. The way we unplug is different for each one of us. It is essential for us to find that one thing that helps us escape from everyday life. It is also helpful for us to think about what brings us joy in our lives. Perhaps a pet, child, or something in nature brings us joy. We also need to identify supportive people and situations as well as toxic people and situations. More specifically, we need to gravitate toward the supportive and try to avoid a higher dose of toxic people and situations. These are the foundations of resilience attitudes and behaviors. These are our first line of defense against excessive irritability, stress, and burnout. Resilience activities and attitudes can lower our risk of most behavioral health such as PTSD and other medical conditions.